




 SPOILT 被寵壞的女孩 (中文翻譯:安妮)

she goes arms linked with a man 她手挽著一個男人

and drives me crazy by doing so 而這樣的舉止讓我發狂

she has chewing gum in her mouth 她嘴裡嚼著口香糖

insolently chewing it, making bubbles burst 狂野的嚼著並吹爆泡泡

Maybe that is why I am so fond of you 也許那就是我喜歡妳的原因

because I did not become your owner 因我並不擁有妳

Can a man stand that, you spoilt girl?有哪個男人能忍受那樣 妳這個被寵壞的女孩?

Did the world change like this? 這世界變成這樣了嗎

Eyes painted black 眼睛塗成黑色

coquettish with glaring red lips閃閃亮的紅唇賣弄著風情

she stands up to me defying me 她站起身來走向我 刻意地
and grins at me insolently

Did we learn it this way from our fathers? 以前我們的長輩是這樣教的嗎

We have been looking like fools to everyone 大夥ㄦ看我倆好似傻子

New customs have entered the old village新潮已衝擊這個老村莊

Friends, we are in a fix.朋友 我們正處於困境

You are a nutcracker妳是塊好吃的核桃脆餅

pulling a snake from its hole 把一條蛇從洞中引出

my big disgrace 我最大的恥辱

when I get hold of you ... (kiss, kiss)當我被妳抱住( )

I'm seeking protection with you, babe 我在尋覓著妳的保護 寶貝

I'm lying in your lap, babe 我正躺在妳的大腿上 寶貝

I'm burning in your fire, babe 我正被妳的熱火燒燙起來 北鼻

Have mercy! 仁慈一點





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